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November 26, 2024

Mexico | Lower surplus reflects higher economic dynamism in 3Q24

The current account surplus in the third quarter of 2024 was lower than the corresponding figure for the same period of 2023 mainly due to the deficit in the balance on non-oil related goods.

August 27, 2024

Mexico | Trade deficit continues reflecting low economic dynamism in 2Q24

The balance on oil-related goods in the last three quarters has averaged USD -2,086 million vs. USD -5,534 million during January-September of 2023.

May 14, 2024

China | A reversion of Balance of Payments: from pandemic to post-pandemic era

We summarize China’s Balance of Payments situation in 2023 post-pandemic time and compare it with the pandemic time; we also predict its trend in 2024.

November 10, 2023

Colombia | Foreign direct investment: the route to economic prosperity

In the first half of 2023, FDI accounted for 5.8% of GDP and financed more than the entire current account deficit. current account deficit. Increasing FDI flows, especially those other than reinvestment of profits, is a desirable objective in a context of energy transition.

May 30, 2023

Mexico | Foreign direct investment: evidence of nearshoring?

The country received 18,636 million dollars in FDI in the year's first quarter. It is a good number.

May 17, 2021

China | 2021 outlook of external balance: will China’s BoP normalization come soon?

It is important to understand what was going on in the past year’s BoP abnormalities and to predict this year’s BoP items while investigating the sustainability of these abnormalities.

March 26, 2020

Mexico Regional Sectoral Outlook. First half 2020

Services decelerate and industry falls in 2019. Foreign Direct Investment in the Southeast, USMCA will boost Bajío and North.