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The recent increase in inflation, not seen in decades, has shown our aversion to the constant escalation of prices. Although inflation has already fallen, it is expected to stay above 3%, and around 2.5% in 2025, affected by the performance of the cost of services.

The way some economic policy measures are designed results in unnecessary increases in production costs in Spain, hinders companies' growth, discriminates between individuals in similar circumstances, leads to lost tax revenue and can even affect people's health.

The global economy offers households no respite. After the turbulent years of COVID-19 in 2020 and 2021, 2022 kicked off with the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, increasing the high geopolitical uncertainty and an unprecedented level of inflat…

This year had started off very well for banks. In fact, the share price of banks in the eurozone had risen by 20% by Wednesday, March 8; however, in one week these gains have been wiped out. The failure of three banks in the US and the sale of …

A few days ago, Bank of Spain published its latest financial stability report. In these half-yearly reports, the supervisor assesses the main risks and vulnerabilities to the stability of the Spanish financial system.

The record highs reached in household savings in the second quarter of 2020, has been one of the most striking characteristics of the current crisis. Since then, it has declined somewhat, which has lent support to the recovery in consumer expenditure and the housing market.

La literatura económica indica que la carga financiera es un importante predictor del sobreendeudamiento de las familias, y se señala el nivel del 20% de la renta disponible de la unidad familiar como un límite crítico.