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Since the end of 2019 through the first quarter of 2024, the Gross Value Added (GVA) of the services sector has increased by 6.3%, compared to 3.7% for the total economy. In addition, the number of hours worked increased by more than 2%, compared to 0.9% for all sectors.

GDP continues to rise sharply. However, the data shows a growth pattern that is unlikely to be sustainable in the long term. Even so, the differential growth that the Spanish economy is showing is something to be celebrated.

The objective of the work is to analyze the historical evolution of Spanish exports, their composition and characteristics, in addition to Spain's participation in global value chains. A strategy is also identified to improve the complexity of …

The Spanish economy is faring better than anyone expected a few months ago. And despite high interest rates, held back by a European economy that has been stagnant and amid heightened uncertainty surrounding economic policy. With all this, GDP …

Murcia's GDP will grow by 1.6% in 2024 and 2.5% in 2025. This will allow 34 thousand jobs to be created in the two-year period and reduce the unemployment rate to 11.5% in 2025.

Aragon's GDP will grow by 1.8% in 2024 and 2.4% in 2025. This will allow 25 thousand jobs to be created in the two-year period and reduce the unemployment rate to 7.6% in 2025.

In the third quarter, the current account deficit continued to narrow and reached 1.68 billion dollars, representing 1.7% of GDP. Nevertheless, the reasons for this closing are not as good as others: they respond to the process of contraction that domestic demand has undergone so far this year.

The eurozone economy has been virtually stagnant for several quarters now, underperforming expectations so far in the year's second half and with no clear signs of recovery on the horizon.

BBVA Research forecasts a growth in Madrid's GDP of 3.0% in 2023. Although future prospects deteriorate, the recovery will continue and a growth in GDP of 1.8% is expected in 2024. 160,000 jobs could be created in the 2023-2024 biennium.

On October 11, the Mexican government published in the Official Gazette (DOF) a decree granting tax incentives to key sectors of the export industry such as the immediate deduction of the investment in new fixed assets and additional deductions…

Without significant changes in the regional growth hierarchy in 2023. In 2024, external demand weakens the progress of activity, with a greater impact on the more open regions.

China's exports and imports are experiencing some structural change. The forced Chinese version of imports substitution industrialization indicates value chain upgrading and technology self-sufficiency.