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December 4, 2024

Peru Economic Outlook. December 2024

The Peruvian economy will grow 3,1% in 2024, 0,2pp more than expected in October. The revision mainly reflects the third quarter positive surprise. For 2025 we expect a 2,7% expansion, amid a challenging external context, but also when large infrastructure projects will begin construction.

July 11, 2023

China | 2023 RMB Exchange Rate Outlook

RMB to USD exchange rate has cumulatively depreciated by 8% in 2023, amid expectation change of the US FED hike path. Look forward, we predict RMB to go back to around 7-7.1 at end-2023 and 6.7 at end-2024.

June 8, 2023

Colombia | Current account deficit reached 4.2% of GDP in 1Q 2023

The current account deficit stood at 4.2% of GDP in Q1 2023 (USD 3,421 million), decreasing from 6.2% in Q1 2022 (USD 5,351Million) and down from 6.1% recorded in the previous quarter.

March 7, 2023

Colombia | In 2022, the current account deficit stood at 6.2% of GDP.

Current account deficit for 2022 reached $21.446 billion and represented 6.2% of GDP, significantly above historical averages.

May 3, 2022

China | RMB exchange rate sharp depreciation amid diverging monetary policy

We analyze the underlying macro reasons behind the recent RMB exchange rate sharp depreciation and explain our forecast of RMB till year end.

February 16, 2021

Colombia | Structural current account and equilibrium exchange rate

Associated with the change in fundamental saving and investment variables that the Colombian economy has undergone in the recent decade, the structural current account and exchange rate are estimated in light of these changes. Likewise, forecasts are made for these variables up to December 2023.