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December 30, 2024

Global | Growing pressures on the euro

The euro/dollar pair has fallen sharply from the highs seen toward the middle of 2024 (1.12) to reach its current level of 1.04, representing a depreciation of 8%.

August 7, 2023

Global | Resilience of currencies against the dollar

So far this year, despite the most aggressive interest rate hike cycle in history by the Federal Reserve (Fed), emerging currencies (with some exceptions) and the euro have strengthened significantly.

August 8, 2022

Global | Headwinds for the euro

So far this year, the euro has depreciated by more than 10% against the dollar, weakening in mid-July to the level of parity between the two currencies for the first time since 2002.

September 11, 2017

Europe’s exit from QE

At its meeting this week, the ECB decided to hold off until October before making a statement on withdrawing monetary stimuli. With the question of when decided, this now leaves the next unknown to be clarified: the matter of how this will be done. The process is a complex one, since it encompasses several different aspects, and the ECB is not giving any clues.

November 15, 2012

Crisis del euro y expansión cuantitativa: impacto sobre América Latina

La crisis del euro. La expansión monetaria global. Impacto en los países emergentes. Contagio hacia América Latina