
Deposit Guarantee Fund (DGF)

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We present a summary and analysis of the most relevant developments and publications in Mexico's financial regulatory landscape.

In this publication you will find, on a weekly basis, our selection of the most relevant news regarding financial regulation.

In this publication you will find, on a weekly basis, our selection of the most relevant news regarding financial regulation.

In this publication you will find, on a weekly basis, our selection of the most relevant news regarding financial regulation.

Whether to share risks or reduce them. That is the leitmotiv behind the current battle over the reform of the euro, which is supposed to lead to a new initiative by June.

Banking union is a milestone in the European project. It has chiefly helped to stop fragmentation but will not be able to break the sovereign-bank doom loop until it can rely on a robust safety net. Advancing towards a complete banking union should be a priority for EU leaders but this will require advances in the fiscal un…