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    January 20, 2025

    Spain | Inequality, growth, and zero-sum thinking

    Economic growth, inequality, and zero-sum thinking form a triangle that has shaped societies over the years. The historical transition from a subsistence economy to one of sustained growth has transformed social perceptions of wealth and how it is distributed.

    January 7, 2025

    Spain | Business loans: a matter of demand

    Spanish companies have reduced their debt over the past decade, largely due to a contraction in bank credit. The performance of this type of credit has been negatively influenced by demand-side factors, especially weak levels of investment.

    February 15, 2024

    Investment in Spain and the EU

    With a similar starting level two decades ago, Gross Fixed Capital Formation per working-age adult in Spain stood at 2,217 euros in 3Q23, 5.3% less than in 2001, while in the EU27 it reached 3,282 euros, 35.6% more than in 2001 and 48.0% more than in Spain.

    January 29, 2024

    Spain | The rise and fall of corporate debt

    Following several years of relative calm, global debt has been steadily growing since the 2008 financial crisis. Aside from the question of public debt, corporate debt grew sharply from 73% of GDP in 2008 to peak at 102% in 2020, at the height of the pandemic.

    December 27, 2022

    Spain | Banking, reflections and purposes

    2022 has been a year of transition for banking. It started off with a lot of dynamism, as the economic recovery was expected to consolidate, leaving the pandemic behind us. But the war initiated by Russia in Ukraine radically changed the course of events.

    February 26, 2021

    China | Corporate deleveraging campaign: from "proactive" to "passive"

    Chinese authorities’ 2016-2018 corporate deleveraging campaign seems to have given way to the escalating China-US tensions and the COVID-19, however, it restarts now in a more "passive" way.

    February 18, 2019

    Mexico Banking Outlook. First half 2019

    In 2018, the main source of growth in bank credit granted to the private sector was that allocated to companies. Traditional deposits reverse their downward trend, albeit at a moderate pace. Consumer Credit: recent developments and analysis of the slowdown in its growth rate. Mexican corporations’ foreign debt: the scenario changes, but risks for the bank remain limited.

    August 2, 2018

    Banking Outlook. August 2018

    The Spanish banking industry made profits of 3.106 billion euros in the first quarter of 2018 compared to the losses posted in 2017, which were prompted by the sale of Banco Popular. Cleaning of bank balance sheets is gathering pace, while deleveraging of the private sector is ongoing. The efficiency and profitability of the system have improved in the first quarter.