
Current account deficit

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In the first quarter of 2024, the current account deficit represented 2.0% of GDP, decreasing 1.7 pps compared to the first quarter of 2023. The reduction in the deficit was partly explained by a trade deficit that narrowed from 2.8% of GDP in the first quarter of 2023 to 2.0% in the same period of 2024.

The year 2023 closed with a current account deficit that represented 2.7% of GDP, 3.5 pps less than that recorded in 2022. This deficit is the lowest observed since 2010 and was accompanied by the largest drop in goods imports recorded (excluding the pandemic year) since 2001.

In the third quarter, the current account deficit continued to close rapidly at 1.7% of GDP and continued to reflect the slowdown in the economy's domestic demand.

The current account deficit reached USD 2,525 million in the second quarter and represented 3% of GDP, decreasing by 49% with respect to the value recorded in the second quarter of 2022. The deficit reduction was driven by the adjustment in the…

The current account deficit stood at 4.2% of GDP in Q1 2023 (USD 3,421 million), decreasing from 6.2% in Q1 2022 (USD 5,351Million) and down from 6.1% recorded in the previous quarter.

Current account deficit for 2022 reached $21.446 billion and represented 6.2% of GDP, significantly above historical averages.

Our forecast of 2.0% of GDP for the current account deficit implies that Mexico will enter a phase of economic recovery after a real GDP contraction of 0.1% in 2019. This forecast suggests that the country is not vulnerable to external shocks and that a share of the current account deficit could be financed with net FDI.

As a small economy, Colombia is not immune to the reality of the global context. Short- and medium-term scenarios can be affected by exchange rate volatility, weakening investment, fiscal deficit, current account deficit and informality in the …

Global recovery proceeds at a stable pace. Moreover, thanks to the Credit Guarantee Fund, Turkish economy continues to grow above potential, which leads us to upgrade our 2017 GDP growth estimate by 1pp to 6%. Additionally, higher momentum in e…

The economic authorities have cut programmable public spending, and plan to continue doing so, and have also increased the monetary policy rate as measures to counteract the effects of lower oil revenues and the consequently increased current a…

The balance of payments ended the third quarter with a current account surplus that improves on the observed at end of 1S15. Both the surplus of goods and services and the income deficit improved in September. Investment flows to and from abroad also performed positively

The balance of payments registered a decrease in the current account surplus until August. While the tourism balance behaved positively, the balance of goods and non-tourism services, as well as rents lost ground. Meanwhile, investment to and from abroad continued to increase, but not accross all resident sectors