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    July 29, 2020

    U.S. Macroeconomic Pulse. July 2020

    Baseline assumes real GDP declines by 5.1% in 2020. Peak unemployment reached, but risks to the labor market remain. Disinflationary headwinds abate, but inflation to remain low in 2020.

    June 4, 2018

    Italy and the euro

    The trigger leading to the sharp market reaction was on the one hand the manifesto of the coalition between the Five Star Movement (M5S) and the League, which included disproportionate fiscal expansion. All Italian parties had made extravagant fiscal promises, but had not envisaged sticking to them when forming a government.

    May 7, 2018

    No gain without pain

    Structural reforms since they usually involve a transfer of income that leads to the groups negatively affected mobilising to prevent them. Governments then have to decide how to manage that pain and when: with a large number of measures concentrated into a short time-span, perhaps taking advantage of the mandate afforded by a crisis.

    December 4, 2017

    Causes of change in inequality of consumption

    Inequality in Spanish household income has increased during the crisis. However, in terms of consumption, inequality decreased. Accordingly, while wealthier families reduced spending by 17.2% between 2007 and 2015, those economically disadvantaged reduced it only by 7.6%.