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    BBVA Research Publications

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    August 13, 2018

    Are we ready for personalised prices?

    Higher information processing capability provides ever better information about customers, what they need or do not need, whether or not they are willing to pay more, and what their financial situation is.

    December 26, 2017

    Technology lets consumers take the initiative

    The changes in spending patterns that have come about in the past twenty years confirm that digital information and communication technology has now become an integral part of consumer behaviour. Irrespective of age, income, sex or any other demographic or socioeconomic characteristic, today’s consumers are highly connected.

    November 5, 2015

    Heterogeneity and diffusion in the digital economy: Spain’s case

    The traditional Bass model (Bass, 1969) for the adoption and diffusion of new products has customarily been used to gauge the speed at which new products were adopted in a market by estimating innovation (p) and imitation (q) parameters.