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It is now almost cliché to say that the German crisis is due to the sudden collapse of the network formed by cheap Russian gas, Chinese demand and the defensive umbrella of the United States. The problems facing the German economy are structural rather than conjunctural.

To avoid a ‘demographic winter’ scenario, Spain needs immigration. But just because it is necessary does not mean that it is sufficient, nor that it does not pose major challenges for the labor market and when it comes to social cohesion.

The central banks of advanced economies had a timely and decisive reaction to the economic crisis generated by the pandemic. Not only they bring monetary policy rates close to zero, but they implemented the largest injection of liquidity in his…

Our GDP growth forecast for Portugal has been slightly revised downwards to 1.5% 2019. The Portuguese economy must successfully face many long-term challenges to seize the opportunities of the digital revolution

On my return to the office this week, I read several columns about the challenges for 2019 and I agree that we are starting a year that can be defined as both challenging and uncertain in economic terms. At both the international and local leve…

The economy of Madrid grew by 3.7% in 2016. It will also keep growing by 3.4% in 2017 and by 2.7% in 2018. This will add around 175,000 new jobs in that period and unemployment shall drop to 10.5%. Although GDP and GDP per capita have already recovered pre-crisis levels, creating more and better jobs remain important challe…