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This press article contains some indicators from the point of view of consumers, and public and private companies related to the reduction in the use of cash in Mexico after the pandemic and mentions some of its challenges.

We offer a novel methodology combining high frequency card transaction data from BBVA and point-of-sale data from cash operations registered at convenience stores from Frogtek by Clarity AI to study changes in consumption patterns relative to variations in income, including changes in items consumed and payment channel.

The COVID-19 impact on consumption was much more intense during the first wave than in the rest of the year 2020. By sector of activity, the impact of Covid-19 has been heterogeneus too. Food and health was the most beneffited ones and tourism …

Cash allowed humanity to abandon bartering, but the use of cash also involves significant problems. It facilitates tax evasion, corruption (Mexicans have become accustomed to watching videos in which corrupt politicians accept cash bribes).

Only 0.7% of remittances are sent in cash and kind, 99% are sent by electronic transfers. Most of the remittances in kind and in cash come from documented Mexicans. Undocumented migrants send almost no remittances in cash and kind, since they c…

The emergence of cryptocurrencies is opening the way to Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). This paper highlights the pros and cons of issuing CBDCs under four different variants: from the more modest proposals to the most ambitious ones where there could be a serious disruption in financial intermediation.

Adjustments to the number of employees and branches in the sector continue, despite the deleveraging of the private sector seems to be coming to an end. The sector is feeling the effects of the resolution and sale of Banco Popular in June 2017 and posted after-tax losses of €3.9 billion for the year, although it achieved fu…

Following advances in the distributed ledger technology, central banks are assessing the issuance of digital currency. There's a range of possible schemes to adopt depending on which features of cash to hold: universality, anonymity and non-yie…