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The EU Commission has recently announced the imposition of additional duties on Chinese EV imports. By examining the evolving landscape of China's EV exports and analyzing the impact of the newly imposed tariffs, the report aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the future trajectory of China's overseas EV sales.

New vehicle sales were stronger than expected in 2Q, resulting in an upward revision to our annual forecast. However, sales were still 33.7% below the levels observed in 2Q19, the worst decline since 2Q09.

New vehicle sales are projected to decelerate as economic growth slows down. Lower interest rates could provide some relief for dealers. A robust supply of “off-leasing” vehicles will continue to put downward pressures on demand for new vehicle…

New vehicle sales are projected to decelerate from 2018 levels. Robust economic growth has been the main driver of auto sales, but affordability is deteriorating while the impact of previous tax cuts is diluting. Going forward, higher interest …

Auto sales closed 2018 at 17.2 million units, virtually unchanged from the previous year. Robust economic growth has been the main driver of auto sales. Going forward, higher interest rates and a higher supply of “off-leasing” vehicles will exe…

By year-end, auto sales will most likely be unchanged from the previous year. Industry revenue supported by solid fundamentals and consumers preference for light-trucks. Going forward, higher interest rates and oil prices may impact demand. A substitution between gasoline-hybrids and plug-ins is taking place, however, the n…

Sales remain resilient backed by robust economic growth. Automakers continue to benefit from consumers favoring light-trucks over cars. Higher interest rates and gasoline prices may impact demand through the remaining of the year.

El informe Situación Automotriz Chile 2017-2018 entrega una caracterización tanto del mercado de automóviles como de sus principales determinantes. Se abordan las variables que explicaron las positivas cifras en ventas de autos nuevos este 2017…

Solid employment growth, stable gasoline prices and low interest rates contributed to robust vehicle sales through the end of 2016. Demand continues to be biased towards light-trucks and away from cars. Auto lending remains healthy, but this co…

In July, auto sales reached their highest levels since Oct. 2015. Demand continues to be biased towards light-trucks and away from cars. The recent upward trend in oil and gas prices has eased, which could incentivize more miles driven. Auto le…

Although auto sales peaked in late 2015, they continue to be supported by sound economic conditions. Low gasoline prices & efficiency improvements have diverted demand towards light-trucks & away from cars. A record high average vehicle age encourages replacements & supports sales. Leasing remains an increasingly preferred …

Lowering restrictions on direct distribution could benefit consumers and promote innovation. Autonomous cars and over-the-air updates offer safety and convenience gains. Prevalence of ride-sharing services demonstrates shifting perception of purpose of cars. Greater understanding of the connected consumer will give dealers …