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January 18, 2025

Colombia | Eyes will remain on inflation in 2025

With the beginning of the year, many of us are making our budgets, and understanding how prices changed in 2024 and how they will change in the future is an important starting point in this task.

December 18, 2018

Mexico | 2019 fiscal budget: the government approves its first big test

The fiscal package is sound in macroeconomic terms but introduces some microeconomic distortions. It is built on reasonable and market-aligned economic assumptions. Revenue and spending projections are conservative. As we expected, market reaction was slightly positive.

September 13, 2017

Mexico | 2018 Fiscal Program: proposal of fiscal consolidation effort of 0.5% of GDP

The program is based on realistic economic assumptions. The continuation of fiscal consolidation is positive. The budget will mean that debt as a percentage of GDP will continue to decline in 2018

September 29, 2015

U.S. | Weekly Focus: Jobs and the Fiscal Budget

September’s Jobs Report will Force the Fed to Keep December Liftoff in Play. Congress Needs Budget Deal by Thursday to Avoid Another Shutdown