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June 27, 2018
Financial Regulation Outlook. Third quarter 2018
Finalisation of Basel III: what comes next?. Funding in resolution. Regulation is coming: pending issues. New STS securitisations in Europe. Strengthening the Banking Union. Adapting the organisation to the digital era. U.S. financial regulation: relief and recalibration.
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October 23, 2017
Moving towards a more selective and effective international banking regulation
In the IMF's recent annual meetings the question of international banking regulation standards has once again come up, following the prolongation of discussions on the finalisation of Basel III. There is a certain feeling that the international standards are increasingly complex, needlessly wordy and unevenly implemented, while uncertainty regarding their impact is growing
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April 6, 2016
Basel Committee on regulation and supervision for financial inclusion
For the first time ever, the Basel Committee has issued guidance on regulation and supervision for financial inclusion. The draft Guidance builds on Basel's Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision and is intended to help supervisors and regulators around the world accommodate the fast-changing environment of institutions that are relevant to financial inclusion.
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January 18, 2016
Is there room for more financial regulation in 2016?
This year will be characterised by the ongoing implementation of the numerous and exhaustive regulations which have been approved in recent years to make bank balance sheets more resilient to crisis. We review the principal milestones of 2014 and 2015 and ask ourselves what the regulation agenda holds for 2016.
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December 3, 2014
Regulation Outlook
This month we focus on: G20 leaders, time to shift the dial towards growth; TLAC, making bail-in feasible and credible instead of bail-out; restoring confidence in risk-weighted capital ratios; Basel Committee published the final version of the NSFR; European banking structural reform; the ECB published the fourth Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) quarterly report and proportionate regulation for electronic money.
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