
Bank credit business

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Credit to the SPNF maintained double-digit nominal growth rates in May (11.4%) driven by the dynamism of the consumer portfolio, particularly in the automotive segment, and a rebound in business credit. This rebound stemmed from credit to the services sector all across the country.

The historically large China-US rate reversion triggered corporations to finance their businesses in RMB due to its lower funding costs compared to USD, which had been the historical norm for corporate financing.

Uruguay continues to show a solid, liquid financial system with a good quality loan portfolio that translates into low levels of non-performing loans. Compared to the rest of the region, the penetration levels of the financial system are mid-ra…

The Banking System maintains capital and liquidity levels much higher than regulatory minima. The dynamism of bank financing in 2023 was observed in all sectors (public and private), through various instruments (credit and securities) and was a…

In this publication you will find, on a weekly basis, our selection of the most relevant news regarding financial regulation.

The momentum of the credit to the private sector lingered in October underpinned by the highest monthly growth of the credit card balance since 2013. The composition of bank deposits is leaning towards term deposits as interest rates remain high and economic activity has surprised to the upside recentley.

In 2Q22, the recovery of credit activity was reflected mainly on the financing of households (consumption and housing), while financing to companies still shows slow dynamism. This recovery was supported by the sustained growth of formal employment and wages that partially offset the environment of higher interest rates.

Housing credit from commercial banks registered better granting conditions and a recomposition in their destination, while the automotive segment showed a drop in real terms, despite offering better conditions on both terms and interest rates. …

In August 2021, the nominal balance of the current loan portfolio granted by commercial banks to the non-financial private sector fell 3.1% annually (-8.3% in real terms). By credit aggregates, the annual nominal variations were: consumption, -…

The withdrawal of Accendo banking license does not represent a risk for the stabilility of the banking system. This was confirmed by the Financial System Stability Board as it stressed that the fundamentals of the system remain sound. However, …

For the third consecutive month, the contraction in the annual growth rate of current portfolio balances to the non-financial private sector has been milder, which reaffirms that total bank credit is on the way to a recovery, although its magnitude differs across portfolios.

Unlike in previous crises, lending has not slowed down during the pandemic—at least not in all segments— with a fall in household loans, but a big increase in corporate lending.