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November 4, 2024

Mexico | Regional Sectoral Outlook. Second Half 2024

The Mexican economy will grow at an annual rate of 1.2% by the end of 2024. Construction will close with a GDP growth of 10.1%, accumulated to the 2Q24, and will sustain the weak growth of the Mexican economy in 2024.

September 28, 2021

Regional Sectorial Outlook Mexico. Second semester 2021

GDP advanced 19.6% annually as of 2Q21, 14 out of 20 sectors are still below what was observed in 2019. It is confirmed that the economic recovery will come through industrial means by greater foreign trade

December 30, 2020

Argentina | Automotive Situation 2020

In a critical macroeconomic context deepened by the COVID-19 crisis, the Argentine automotive industry was one of the sectors that suffered most from the lockdown. However, exchange rate tensions and inflation expectations boosted vehicle sales. By 2021, we forecast a weak market recovery.

November 20, 2019

Mexico Regional Sectoral Outlook. Second half 2019

Most sectors have slowed markedly. Lower growth in 1H19, inertia defines the pattern of state performance.