
Agricultural Traders

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November 28, 2024

Colombia | Sowing the future: Agricultural sector - Palm Oil Report Summary

The country benefits from strategic location and high productivity, enabling exponential growth of this crop over recent decades. As the world's fourth-largest producer and the leading producer in the Americas, Colombia's potential paves the way for consolidation in new markets.

May 17, 2024

Colombia | Sowing the Future: Agriculture and Livestock - Cattle Report

Conditions are favourable for boosting sector expansion and exports. Despite low domestic growth and weakening employment, lower relative prices will help domestic demand. Externally, a real depreciation higher than that of regional peers will favour exports.

May 25, 2012

Estimating transport costs and trade barriers in China: Direct edvidence from Chinese agricultural traders

Evidences in many developing countries have shown that road construction and reduction of trade barrier can improve fertilizer use, enhance domestic and international trade