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As of 1Q24, Mexican exports totaled 144 billion dollars and imports totaled 146 billion dollars. 82.7% of Mexican´s exports went to the US and manufacturing exports totaled 127.1 billion dollars, 88.5% of the total. FDI as of 1Q24 amounted 20.3 billion dollars, 13.6% lower than 1Q23.

FDI in Energy between 2006 to 2023, presented peak levels between 2013 to 2018, with 55.3% of investment in this period which coincide to regulatory changes that allowed private participation. The same has plummeted between 2019 and 2023, being 50.1% lower if compared against the period from 2013 to 2017.

By the end of 2023, the Mexican economy grew at an annual rate of 3.2%, with an extraordinary growth of 15.6% in construction and differentiated effects at the regional level. The dynamism of services underpins growth in 2023; Wholesale and Ret…

At the end of 2023 we find opposite results in the Real Estate market. Construction presents historical results, growth rates well above the average in different indicators. The housing market is contracting with figures as of November 2023. In…

The housing sector is in a deceleration phase: low sales, high cancellations, and increased finished inventories. Certainty about VIS subsidies, reduced interest rates, and improved household financial balances will aid recovery, expected to be…

Presenting the construction supply and demand structure with a special section on urban design. In the supply section: GDP, employment, firms, and sector composition. In the demand section: logistics, housing, household composition, demographic trends, housing deficit, among others.

There are 1.7 million formal companies in the country. Micro and SMEs represent 99.5% of formal companies, generate 79% of the country's employment, and contribute close to 40% of the annual GDP.

The Federal Economic Competition Commission (Cofece) preliminarily determined that there are no conditions of effective competition in the retail e-commerce market (marketplaces) in Mexico, proposing a series of corrective measures in order to …

In Colombia there are 1.7 million formal companies. Micro and SMEs represent 99.5% of formal companies, generate 79% of the country's employment, and contribute about 40% to the annual GDP.

In this release of our Regional Sectoral Outlook is set apart by the change of base year in August 2023 with an updated perspective of the sectoral and regional composition of the Mexican economy. During 2024, the GDP of Finance could grow the …

The recovery in private consumption is losing momentum, dropping from an annual 5.9% in the 2021-2022 biennium to 2.0% in 2023-2024. The increase in financing costs counteracts the modest rise in income, net financial wealth, and household expectations.

Facing one of the most devastating natural phenomena in the last decade, to estimate the economic aftermath requires two elements: 1) to understand the economic outlook in Guerrero state prior to Otis landfall; and 2) rely on empirical evidence of hurricanes in Mexico to estimate the economic impact.