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    Published on Wednesday, October 7, 2020

    Yearbook of Migration and Remittances Mexico 2020


    BBVA Research, BBVA Foundation and CONAPO book in eight chapters: 1) Global Migration, 2) Migrant Population in North America, 3) Mexican Emigration, 4) Immigration Policy and Transit in North America, 5) Migrant Children, 6) Refugee Population, 7) International Students, and 8) Remittances.

    Key points

    • Key points:
    • Between 2010 and 2019, the Mexican migrant population in the United States grew moderately (+500 thousand), but the second and third generation Mexicans had significant growth (+2.6 and +2.5 million, respectively). In total, 39 million Mexicans lived in the US in 2019.
    • The Mexican migrant population in the U.S. is one of those that reports the lowest annual labor income (median of US $29,000) and the lowest levels of education among migrants (only 6.5% have a bachelor or graduate level).
    • The Covid-19 crisis seems to have temporarily reduced migration through Mexico and to the United States. Between April and June, in the United States, apprehensions of migrants decreased by 79%, while in Mexico detentions of migrants decreased by 90%.
    • From March to April, the unemployment rate of Mexican migrants went from 6.2% to 17.0%: 875,000 Mexican migrants lost their jobs in a single month due to the COVID-19 crisis. Between May and July, a recovery is already observed, albeit slow.
    • Against initial estimates and despite the COVID-19 crisis, we estimate that remittances to Latin America and the Caribbean will reach US$ 70.4 billion (+6.0%) and in Mexico to US$ 39.5 billion (+8.4%) in 2020.

    The Yearbook of Migration and Remittances Mexico 2020 compiles and analyzes data on international migration flows, as well as on the evolution of remittances, on a global scale and for Mexico. Its publication is a joint effort by BBVA Research, BBVA Foundation and the National Population Council (CONAPO). Each year, the Yearbook of Migration and Remittances seeks to address the most relevant issues of national and international interest. This edition places focus on the characteristics of the migrant population residing and in transit through North America, which is comprised of Mexico, the United States and Canada.




    Juan José Li Ng BBVA Research - Senior Economist
    Guillermo Jr. Cárdenas Salgado BBVA Research - Senior Economist
    Luis Antonio Espinosa
    Carlos Serrano BBVA Research - Chief Economist

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    Spanish - October 7, 2020

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