Valencian Community Outlook. First Half 2014
Published on Tuesday, March 25, 2014 | Updated on Sunday, May 13, 2018
Valencian Community Outlook. First Half 2014
The Valencian economy returns to the path of growth. | Dynamism in exports, supported by gains in competitiveness, diversification and the growth of its main trading partners, will continue supporting the recovery. | Exports will still lead growth, sustained by progress in developed economies and diversification of destinations. | The reform drive is key for dealing with structural problems and for returning to the convergence process with the rest of Spain and Europe.
- Geography Tags
- Spain
- Valencian Community
- Topic Tags
- Regional Analysis Spain
Documents and files
Presentación 'Situación Comunitat Valenciana. Primer semestre 2014'
Spanish - March 25, 2014