The digital transformation of the economy across sectors in the Eurozone
Published on Monday, February 10, 2020
The digital transformation of the economy across sectors in the Eurozone
This study attempts to illustrate the paradigm shift brought about by the digital transformation. It examines factors that could affect the growth of firms in three domains: productivity, employment and geographical dispersion.
Key points
- Key points:
- The digital transformation of companies in the Eurozone has enormous growth potential for Europe, where different sectors are moving at different speeds.
- Looking at five representative sectors and areas of activity in the economy, it is the area of professionals, scientists and technical activities (services sector) that is adopting cloud services most quickly or transforming companies so that information flows automatically.
- The construction sector is the one that shows the least adoption and dynamism in the three variables considered: use of cloud services, use of ERP tools, as well as in the hiring of ICT specialists.
- There is a great heterogeneity between countries, with Finland standing out as one of the countries with the highest adoption in the three variables studied.
- Topic Tags
- Digital Economy
Noelia Cámara
BBVA Research - Principal Economist