Spain | Towards a sustainable digital future
Published on Monday, March 22, 2021
Spain | Towards a sustainable digital future
The European Commission has launched its Digital Compass, a document with the key digital goals of its plan for a successful digital transformation for Europe by 2030. The Commission has released this plan along with clear milestones and a tracking system.
Key points
- Key points:
- The four cardinal points that will guide the project aim to guarantee universal access to sustainable internet services; promote the achievement of basic digital skills among the citizenry and increase the number of ICT specialists; facilitate the massive digital transformation of businesses; and develop highly digitized public administrations.
- According to Eurostat, data on digitization show a heterogeneous European Union, as is the case with Spain's autonomous communities, reflected in the DiGiX Digitization Index published by BBVA Research annually.
- The Internet access infrastructure for the Spanish regions presents data on Fiber to the Premises (FTTP), which is a proxy of the 5G target set by the Commission, ranging from only half of households in Galicia to 97% in the Community of Madrid.
- In terms of digital capacities, 67% of the population in the Community of Madrid has at least basic digital skills compared to 52% in Galicia, where greater effort will be needed to reach the 80% target.
- Designing policies based on harmonized data and sound indicators, as well as assessing and adjusting policies based on the results for each region in Spain, is key to bringing the opportunities offered by digital transformation to everyone.
- Geography Tags
- Spain
- Topic Tags
- Regional Analysis Spain
- Digital Economy
- Digital Trends
Noelia Cámara
BBVA Research - Principal Economist
Documents and files
Press article (PDF)
Spanish - March 22, 2021