Spain Regional Watch. Second quarter 2019
Published on Thursday, May 30, 2019 | Updated on Friday, May 31, 2019
Spain Regional Watch. Second quarter 2019
The Communities of the Centre are improving; the delay in exports conditions the north of Spain and consumption is resisting the slowdown in the east
Key points
- Key points:
- In 2018, the slowdown in activity was generalized by region, with a particularly intense loss of dynamism in the industrial sector and a slowdown in tourism
- Household spending performed well, partly as a result of fiscal stimulus and an expansionary monetary policy at start of 2019
- The evolution of regional economies will continue to be characterized by four aspects: the deceleration of private consumption, less dynamism in the tourism sector, the maintenance of investment and the progressive improvement of exports of goods
- Risks include the impact of trade tensions on specific sectors, a low-growth environment in major trading partners, the lack of an engine sector to replace tourism in job creation in some communities, or uncertainty about economic policy
- Geography Tags
- Spain
- Topic Tags
- Regional Analysis Spain
- Tags
- Economic growth
Joseba Barandiaran
Giancarlo Carta
BBVA Research - Senior Economist
Víctor Echevarría
Pep Ruiz
BBVA Research - Principal Economist
Angie Suárez
BBVA Research - Economist