Spain | Regional convergence elusive in the recovery
Published on Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Spain | Regional convergence elusive in the recovery
Regional convergence has been slow during the recovery. Lower income regions are creating employment at high rates but their low productivity growth is a burden. Attracting investment, reducing employment procyclicality and policies aimed at improving demographic dynamics would boost convergence.
Key points
- Key points:
- The recovery that began in 2013 is characterized by a slower convergence in GDP per capita among the Autonomous Communities than that observed in the expansion between 2000 and 2008
- Productivity has contributed to regional divergence in this recovery, while in the previous expansion it had favoured convergence
- This occurs despite the fact that lower-income regions are decreasing their unemployment rate at a higher pace in the post-crisis period than higher-income regions
- Economic policies aimed at raising productivity growth, improving investment and reducing employment procyclicality in lower income regions would foster convergence
- Policies aimed at improving the demographic dynamics in lower income communities will favour the reduction of disparities between CC. AA.
- Geography Tags
- Spain
- Topic Tags
- Regional Analysis Spain
Víctor Echevarría
Daniela Filip
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