Spain | Housing will be the economic cycle
Published on Monday, June 15, 2020
Spain | Housing will be the economic cycle
For the first time in recent history, the Spanish economy is facing a recession in which residential construction is neither the trigger nor an exacerbating factor. The sector's fundamentals were in good health and many were still improving up until March.
Key points
- Key points:
- Unlike other crises, the downturn in demand has not originated from inside in the real estate sector, nor has this sector accumulated significant imbalances.
- Even so, this will not prevent the adjustment in the real estate market from being among the most severe.
- Toward 2021, the lack of imbalances paired with a reduction in uncertainty could mean a quicker recovery than in previous economic cycles.
- In order to consolidate this turnaround, it will be necessary to reduce the uncertainty sparked by continual regulatory changes.
- Geography Tags
- Spain
- Topic Tags
- Employment
- Regional Analysis Spain
- Real Estate
Miguel Cardoso
BBVA Research - Chief Economist
Documents and files
Press article (PDF)
Spanish - June 15, 2020