Spain| Historical drop in employment in 2Q, despite the ERTE & the positive figure in June
Published on Thursday, July 2, 2020
Spain| Historical drop in employment in 2Q, despite the ERTE & the positive figure in June
Social Security enrolment increased by 68,200 people (-4.6% p/a) in June and unemployment rose by 5,100 (28.1% p/a). Adjusted for seasonality, employment grew by 27,400 people, but unemployment continued to rise (80,900). In 2Q20, affiliation fell by 4.7 t/t CVEC and the number of unemployed rose by 18.8%.
Key points
- Key points:
- Después de tres meses con saldos negativos, la afiliación mejoró en junio. No obstante, el efecto agregado de la crisis de la COVID-19 es notable
- La estacionalidad favorable impulsó el empleo temporal
- Repercusiones de la COVID-19: 915.000 desempleados, 1.830.000 afectados por ERTE y 1.470.000 autónomos con prestación extraordinaria por cese de actividad en junio
- 2T20: deterioro histórico de los registros del mercado laboral, a pesar de las políticas de protección al empleo ante la crisis
- Geography Tags
- Spain
- Topic Tags
- Employment
- Regional Analysis Spain
Juan Ramón García
BBVA Research - Principal Economist
Camilo Ulloa
BBVA Research - Principal Economist