Spain | Analysis of national tourist flows in real time in jul-21
Published on Wednesday, August 11, 2021
Big Data techniques used
Spain | Analysis of national tourist flows in real time in jul-21
The recovery in national tourism spending continued throughout July. The increase in the month was 7% compared to 2019 levels (18% if spending by Spaniards abroad is excluded), which represents an acceleration compared to what was observed in June (-4%).
Key points
- Key points:
- The advance in July was due to the greater flow of travelers. The reduction in average spending keeps on contributing negatively: Madrid, the Basque Country, La Rioja, the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands showed the most intense falls in the average ticket, despite the fact that the last two registered the largest increases in tourists.
- However, the growth of recent months is still not enough to compensate for the decline at the beginning of the year: so far in 2021 the accumulated fall is still 25% compared to the 2019 records.
- All the autonomous communities were above the values of two years ago, Madrid being the only exception. Andalusia, Asturias and Castilla-La Mancha stood out, showing growth close to 30%.
- The good tone of domestic tourism offset the decline in consumption by foreigners and allowed the recovery from the levels of two years ago in total tourism spending at the end of July.
- Geography Tags
- Europe
- Topic Tags
- Tourism
- Regional Analysis Spain
Fernando Bolívar
Giancarlo Carta
BBVA Research - Senior Economist