Spain | Analysis of national tourist flows in real time. First four months of 2022
Published on Tuesday, May 10, 2022 | Updated on Tuesday, May 10, 2022
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Spain | Analysis of national tourist flows in real time. First four months of 2022
Tourist spending by Spaniards outside their usual province of residence remained 6 pp below 2019 levels in the first three months of 2022. The effect of Easter pushed up consumption in mid-April and the latest data from the May bank holiday point to greater dynamism than in 2019.
Key points
- Key points:
- On the other hand, total tourism spending (domestic and foreign) remained above the 2019 records during the first quarter of the year (+7 pp).
- During Easter, spending by Spaniards outside their province of residence rebounded and stood 27pp above the corresponding period in 2019, improving the levels of the two previous years (33pp if spending abroad is excluded). Foreign spending recorded similar figures.
- Canarias, Castilla-La Mancha, Andalucía, C. Valenciana, Murcia and Aragón were the destinations that benefited the most at Easter: spending exceeded 2019 records by more than 40pp. On the other hand, in Madrid, the Balearic Islands and abroad there was less dynamism.
- Beach destinations (Canary Islands, Cádiz, Castellón and Huelva) and some inland provinces (Teruel, Toledo, Ávila, Ciudad Real and Córdoba) registered the greatest advances at Easter. On the other hand, the Balearic Islands, the large cities and some provinces of Castilla y León were less benefited by national tourist flows.
- Looking ahead to the coming months, the good tone of tourism is expected to continue, as indicated by the latest data on online spending with cards in travel and accommodation agencies, which approximate tourist reservations.
- Geography Tags
- Spain
- Topic Tags
- Tourism
- Regional Analysis Spain
Giancarlo Carta
BBVA Research - Senior Economist
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