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    Published on Monday, September 5, 2022 | Updated on Monday, October 17, 2022

    Mexico | Yearbook of Migration and Remittances 2022


    Book edited by BBVA Research, BBVA Foundation and the National Population Council (CONAPO) made up of 10 chapters that addresses the main statistics on the multiple migratory flows and human mobility, and remittances at a global level, with an emphasis on Mexico.

    Key points

    • Key points:
    • In 2021, the number of Mexican migrants in the US increased by 400,000. After the relaxation of the confinement, undocumented Mexican migration to the US increased: 59,000 monthly averaged encounters in 2021 with the immigration authority and 72,000 monthly encounters so far in 2022.
    • Labor transition of Mexican migrants in the US. In the year 2000 they worked mainly in the Commerce (23.6%) and Manufacturing (22.5%) sectors; Currently, they are concentrated in the Construction (19.5%) and Hospitality and Leisure (13.8%) sectors.
    • In 2021, an all-time high was reached in the deaths of Mexican migrants attempting to cross into the US. Of the 719 registered deaths, the majority were men and 56.5% were between 18 and 45 years old.
    • Central American and Caribbean migration to the US recovers; many transit through Mexico. In 2021, historical maximums were registered in Mexico in: presentations of migrants before the National Institute of Migration (187 thousand), issuance of Visitor Cards for Humanitarian Reasons (87 thousand) and in granting refugee status (58 thousand).
    • It is estimated that remittances in Mexico will reach 58.5 billion dollars in 2022 (+13.4%), and by 2023 they will reach 62.6 billion dollars (+7.0%).

    The Yearbook of Migration and Remittances Mexico 2022 provides statistical information and updated indicators that come from specialized official sources that are replicable and endowed with methodological rigor, for consultation by stakeholders in academia, government, civil society and elsewhere. We seek to contribute to the understanding of the dynamics and trends of migration and remittances in their various facets, as well as their implications at the international level and especially in Mexico.

    This edition consists of ten chapters. The first addresses aspects of global migration, such as the regions and countries of origin and destination and the main international corridors and the characteristics of the international migrant population. The second chapter presents indicators and statistics related to the labor market of the migrants in the main countries of attraction in Northern America, Western Europe and the Arabian Peninsula. Thirdly, information related to the international students is analyzed, such as their main countries of origin and destination, fields of knowledge and sources of financing for their studies. For the case of Mexico, we have analyzed data on student visas and statistics on the population granted scholarships by Conacyt to carry out graduate studies abroad.

    The fourth chapter presents information on migration from Mexico to the United States. We describe the 2020 migratory intensity indices at the entity and municipal levels and the age structure and poverty level of the first, second and third generation of the Mexican population in that country, characteristics of their housing and labor statistics, such as their occupation sector, unemployment rate and percentage of part-time jobs. This is complemented with information on the participation of the vote abroad of the Mexican population in the 2021 elections.

    The fifth chapter deals with mobility in Mexico, with which different flows are analyzed, such as the emigrant population and those returning to the country, the international working population on the northern and southern borders, the transit population, the refugees, and the recipients of humanitarian visas. In view of the current situation, the chapter closes with data on cases and deaths from COVID-19 of the self-identified migrant population in Mexico. The sixth chapter addresses safe, orderly and regular migration, including apprehensions, the issuance of visas, permanent residence, naturalizations and statistics of deaths of the Mexican migrant population in the United States and of the migrant population in Mexico. The seventh chapter addresses issues related to the population born abroad residing in Mexico, including data on territorial distribution, age groups, sex, nationality, and social and economic integration.

    Regarding chapters eight and nine, the first analyzes the information on migrant children apprehended in Mexico and the United States, who mainly make the journey to reunite with their families or to escape the violence they experience in their places of residence. The following chapter deals with the flow of remittances worldwide, highlighting the most relevant regions and countries of origin and destination and supplementing the analysis with data on Mexico at the national level, by federal entity and the main municipalities that receive these resources. Finally, the closing chapter makes a retrospective comparison of decennial statistics on the Mexican migrant population, some of its sociodemographic and labor characteristics, and issues related to remittances.

    The Yearbook of Migration and Remittances Mexico 2022 marks a decade of joint effort between the Mexican National Population Council, BBVA Research and the BBVA Foundation in the search to contribute, disseminate and collaborate in the discussion of these issues of great interest to society. We hope you find this publication useful and interesting.




    Guillermo Jr. Cárdenas Salgado BBVA Research - Senior Economist
    Luis Antonio Espinosa
    Juan José Li Ng BBVA Research - Senior Economist
    Carlos Serrano BBVA Research - Chief Economist

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    Book (PDF)


    English - September 5, 2022

    Book (PDF)


    Spanish - September 5, 2022

    Presentation (PDF)


    Spanish - September 5, 2022

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