Mexico | Traditional deposits maintains slowdown in the last quarter of 2019
Published on Friday, January 24, 2020
Mexico | Traditional deposits maintains slowdown in the last quarter of 2019
In November 2019, the growth of bank deposits maintained its deceleration trend compared to what was observed at the beginning of the year, although it registered a marginal advance with respect to October, which may be associated with seasonal factors.
Key points
- Key points:
- Double-digit growth of sight deposits of individuals compensates annual reduction of sight deposits of companies
- Growth of term deposits at their lowest level since 2014
- Deposits in Debt Investment Funds achieves seven consecutive months of double-digit growth for the first time since 2012
- Annual growth of Net Internal Financial Assets at their best level of the year
- Geography Tags
- Mexico
- Topic Tags
- Banks
Iván Martínez Urquijo
BBVA Research - Principal Economist
Francisco Javier Morales
Mariana Angélica Torán
BBVA Research - Principal Economist