Mexico | Labor poverty continues downward and below pre-pandemic levels at national level
Published on Monday, March 4, 2024
Mexico | Labor poverty continues downward and below pre-pandemic levels at national level
With this note we analyze some indicators at the national level and by federal entities of the proportion of the population in labor poverty, based on the last quarterly update carried out by the National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy (Coneval).
Key points
- Key points:
- Due to the impact of Hurricane Otis, during the fourth quarter of 2023, the National Occupation and Employment Survey (ENOE) in Guerrero was postponed. As a consequence, the information of Guerrero is partial, since it only considers the interview carried out by the Inegi in the month of October, which is why the impacts of the cyclone on labor poverty are not taken into account in Guerrero.
- The proportion of the population in labor poverty at the national level and in the urban area has had a favorable evolution, accumulating three and four quarters of reduction, respectively; although still below of the levels reported in the first quarter of 2020.
- In rural areas, there have already been four continuous quarters below the levels observed prior to the start of the COVID-19 pandemic; however, throughout 2023 this indicator has shown few signs of improvement.
- In 2023-IV, in five federal entities the proportion of the population in labor poverty was greater than 50.0%: Zacatecas (51.0%), Veracruz (51.5%), Oaxaca (58.7%), Guerrero (62.1%) and Chiapas (63.9%).
- In 2023-IV, three federal entities presented their lowest proportion of labor poverty from the period 2005-I to 2023-IV: Jalisco (22.0%), Yucatán (32.2%) and San Luís Potosí (35.5%).
- Geography Tags
- Mexico
- Topic Tags
- Social Sustainability
Guillermo Jr. Cárdenas Salgado
BBVA Research - Senior Economist
Marco Lara
BBVA Research - Senior Economist