Mexico | Increase in wages and competition policies will bring greater growth
Published on Thursday, October 8, 2020
Mexico | Increase in wages and competition policies will bring greater growth
Wages in Mexico are low compared to other countries with a similar income level. Most worryingly, wages have fallen, in real terms, over the last 25 years in all income deciles.
Key points
- Key points:
- After the economic crisis of 1995, the real average salary for contributions to the IMSS fell more than 25% and still has not reached the levels it had 25 years ago
- That crisis affected the salary trajectory of entire generations that have not been able to recover the purchasing power they had then
- BBVA Mexico implemented in 2017 a policy to increase the salaries of employees who earned the least by raising their remuneration above the market
- Geography Tags
- Mexico
- Topic Tags
- Macroeconomic Analysis
Carlos Serrano
BBVA Research - Chief Economist