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    Published on Thursday, November 16, 2023 | Updated on Monday, November 20, 2023

    Mexico | Geopolitics and nearshoring: exploring supply chain opportunities


    In this Presentation, we explain how geopolitics is becoming a key economic driver in the change of global value chains and the opportunities this brings to Mexican manufacturing production as well as exploring the regional investment opportunities in the country.

    Key points

    • Key points:
    • The complex geopolitical environment will stand at the center of the most relevant trends in global growth in the coming years and is likely to reshape trade, digitalization, the fight against climate change and the demographic challenge.
    • While this environment will have a negative impact on growth due to disruptions across many regions, it also opens up some (mostly) local opportunities.
    • Mexican global manufacturing is ready to compete in international markets and has led the way of Mexico surpassing China as top US trade partner. The reshaping of global supply chains places Mexico at an advantage to attend the US market in a large subset of manufacturing production.
    • We also explore the potential it has across different regions in Mexico, we present some evidence of the actions happening in industrial parks and the challenges that Mexico needs to tackle to fully grasp the potential, including clear energy constraints, especially green.



    Jorge Sicilia BBVA Research - Chief Economist of BBVA Group

    Documents and files

    Presentation (PDF)


    English - November 16, 2023

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