Mexico | Consumption resilience in January; higher spending on goods and services
Published on Tuesday, February 14, 2023
Big Data techniques used
Mexico | Consumption resilience in January; higher spending on goods and services
The BBVA Research Big Data Consumption Indicator reported an increase of 3.8% MaM in January, with real seasonally adjusted figures.
Key points
- Key points:
- The behavior of spending was boosted by the growth of 4.9% in the consumption of goods and 3.8% in services.
- Spending in physical establishments rose 5.3%, the highest figure since April 2022.
- Consumption resilience was boosted by the improvement in real wage during January, with real growth of 1.0% MoM, seasonally adjusted (vs 0.2% on average for the previous six months).
- The consumption momentum would offset the slowdown in other segments of economic activity, such as manufacturing, more linked to external demand of durable goods.
- Geography Tags
- Mexico
- Topic Tags
- Consumption
Saide Aránzazu Salazar
BBVA Research - Principal Economist