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    In Peru annual inflation moderated significantly and we believe there is room for the CB to implement monetary stimulus if needed

    Published on Tuesday, March 3, 2015

    In Peru annual inflation moderated significantly and we believe there is room for the CB to implement monetary stimulus if needed


    Annual inflation moderated significantly, influenced by fuel prices and went back inside the CB’s target range. We maintain our forecast of a gradual decline in inflation in the coming months due to lack of demand pressures although the depreciation attenuates this downward trend. We believe there is room for the CB to implement additional monetary stimulus due to the continuing cyclical weakness in the economy.




    Cecilia Posadas BBVA Research - Principal Economist
    Enestor Dos Santos BBVA Research - Principal Economist
    Jorge Redondo
    Jorge Selaive
    Juana Téllez BBVA Research - Chief Economist
    Carlos Serrano BBVA Research - Chief Economist
    Hugo Perea BBVA Research - Chief Economist

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    Report (PDF)


    English - March 3, 2015

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