Global | From FinTech to BigTech: an evolving regulatory response
Published on Monday, June 1, 2020
Document number 20/09
Global | From FinTech to BigTech: an evolving regulatory response
The digital transformation of financial services has opened up the market to new providers: FinTech start-ups and BigTechs. In this article, we explain how policymakers’ mindset should evolve towards a comprehensive response to ensure the financial sector remains safe, stable and open to competition.
Key points
- Key points:
- The digital transformation of financial services has led to a new competitive environment characterized first by the unbundling of services by FinTech start-ups and increasingly by the re-bundling within BigTechs’ digital ecosystems.
- Policymakers responded to the FinTech phenomenon with a piecemeal approach that sought to ensure an adequate control of new risks while promoting innovation-enhancing competition.
- However, the magnitude and nature of risks are likely to change, as is the nature and degree of competition in the financial industry, with the second wave of competition - the BigTechs.
- Therefore, policymakers’ mindset should evolve towards a more comprehensive response to ensure the financial sector remains safe, stable and open to competition.
- Geography Tags
- Global
Lucía Pacheco
Pablo Urbiola
BBVA Regulation - Head of Digital Regulation and Trends
Documents and files
Report (PDF)
English - June 1, 2020