Global | Big Data in Economics: our journey in BBVA Research
Published on Wednesday, February 16, 2022
Big Data techniques used
Global | Big Data in Economics: our journey in BBVA Research
In this presentation we review what Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) can accomplish and explain their potential uses with a focus on its importance for economic analysis. In addition, we highlight how we are making use of Big Data at BBVA Research and why it's useful.
Key points
- Key points:
- The alignment of several trends has triggered a rapid adoption of AI. At present, AI Industrial and Daily Life applications are found everywhere.
- The increasing availability of Big Data is changing the nature of Economic Research and making it turn into a more multi-disciplinary discipline.
- Among the uses of Big Data stand out the possibility of (i) measuring Economics in Real Time and with more granularity, High Definition Analysis; (ii) turning text into data in order to measure sentiment and finding patterns and; (iii) designing and implementing smart economic policies on consumers, firms, cities, on many fronts, including sustainability.
- At BBVA Research we work with interdisciplinarity teams with a focus on using Text as Data, approaching National Accounts in Real Time and High Definition (conducting macroeconomic and sectoral analysis) and measuring impact of policies in real time.
- Geography Tags
- Global
- Topic Tags
- Artificial Intelligence
- Macroeconomic Analysis
Jorge Sicilia
BBVA Research - Chief Economist of BBVA Group
Documents and files
Presentation (PDF)
English - February 16, 2022