Global | Big Data and Economics: Statistical Challenges in a Society with Large Data Pools
Published on Thursday, July 8, 2021
Big Data techniques used
Global | Big Data and Economics: Statistical Challenges in a Society with Large Data Pools
In the seminar of the Universidad Internacional Menendez Pelayo it is shown how the COVID crisis has triggered a rapid demand for “real time” economy, just as the asymmetric impact of the crisis and mobility have enhanced the “high-definition” component of Big Data.
Key points
- Key points:
- The advantages of our data are its high frequency, granularity and accuracy, which allows us to obtain a fairly adjusted consumption replica in the countries in which we operate.
- The consumption recovery is already noticeable even with respect to 2019 levels. There are also differences in the different means of payment with an acceleration of the upwards trend of online spending.
- Investment is recovering in all its components: machinery and transport equipment, construction and intangibles.
- Topic Tags
- Consumption
Alvaro Ortiz
BBVA Research - Head of Analysis with Big Data