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    GDP grows 0.1% QoQ in 3Q14 after having declined in the first two quarters of the year

    Published on Friday, November 28, 2014

    GDP grows 0.1% QoQ in 3Q14 after having declined in the first two quarters of the year


    GDP expanded 0.1% QoQ in 3Q14, putting an end to the recession the country faced in the first half of the year, when economic activity declined 0.2% QoQ and 0.6% QoQ, respectively, in 1Q14 and 2Q14. The slight growth in 3Q14, which was in line with expectations (BBVA: 0.1%QoQ; consensus: 0.1% QoQ), was driven by a rebound in both investment and in public consumption. We expect the very gradual recovery to continue in 4Q14 and GDP to grow 0.2% in 2014.




    Enestor Dos Santos BBVA Research - Principal Economist

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    Report (PDF)


    English - November 28, 2014

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