Europe | The ECB doubles down
Published on Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Europe | The ECB doubles down
Three months after approving a Pandemic Emergency Purchase Program (PEPP) for an initial EUR 750 billion in response to the COVID-19 crisis, at its most recent meeting, the European Central Bank (ECB) agreed to expand the program by a further EUR 600 billion.
Key points
- Key points:
- With this new amount—and with the official extension of the program until mid-2021—the ECB guarantees heavy duty intervention for another year, until the post-COVID-19 economic outlook is much clearer.
- The new measure means that the central bank will remain very active in both the sovereign and the corporate bond markets.
- In its forecasts, the ECB's new base scenario forecasts an 8.7% decline in GDP this year, with two alternative scenarios predicting falls of 5.9% and 12.6%.
- The ECB also strongly supports the European Commission's recovery fund proposal.
- Geography Tags
- Europe
- Topic Tags
- Central Banks
- Macroeconomic Analysis
Sonsoles Castillo
BBVA Research - Chief Economist for Financial and Economic Analysis
Miguel Jiménez
BBVA Research - Lead Economist
Documents and files
Press article (PDF)
Spanish - June 9, 2020