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    Published on Monday, June 2, 2014 | Updated on Sunday, July 15, 2018

    Chile: Stagflation, more a myth than a reality


    In Chile, we have seen simultaneously an economic growth below potential and a consumer inflation above the target since early 2014. This has raised voices suggesting that our economy would enter in a process of stagflation. In this context, our goal is to determine how likely is the stagflation scenario in Chile, and how it has evolved the frequency, magnitude and determinants of such episodes in the past fifty years. Finally, we assess the implications of the current scenario for the expected behavior of economic policy.




    Jorge Selaive
    Fernando Soto

    Documents and files

    Report (PDF)

    Economic Watch: Stagflation in Chile, more of a myth than a reality

    English - June 2, 2014

    Report (PDF)

    Observatorio Económico: Estanflación en Chile, más un mito que realidad

    Spanish - June 2, 2014

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