Colombia | Weekly update BBVA Tracker: Consumption. June 19, 2020
Published on Friday, June 19, 2020 | Updated on Friday, June 19, 2020
Big Data techniques used
Colombia | Weekly update BBVA Tracker: Consumption. June 19, 2020
In order to contribute to the analysis of the Colombian economy and take the pulse of the recovery, a project of high-frequency indicators was structured to measure the behaviour of the economy in real time, called the BBVA Economic Tracker. This first issue contains the section on tracking consumption
Key points
- Key points:
- During June, consumption has recovered, on average, eight percentage points compared to what was observed in May
- The first holiday in June had a negative effect on total consumption that was more evident in some cities and sectors
- The fuel, restaurant and transport sectors maintain their positive trend while entertainment and airlines still have no clear signs of recovery
- Coastal cities, where more restrictive isolation measures have been implemented due to an increase in new cases of COVID, have had more negative consumption figures
- In the clothing sector, positive signals can be seen in cities that began early on their pilot plans to gradually open up trade
- Geography Tags
- Colombia
- Topic Tags
- Consumption
María Paula Castañeda