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    Colombia | Urban unemployment rate in June was 10.7% confirming a moderation in the pace at which the unemployment rate had fallen until April

    Published on Thursday, July 31, 2014 | Updated on Thursday, August 7, 2014

    Colombia | Urban unemployment rate in June was 10.7% confirming a moderation in the pace at which the unemployment rate had fallen until April


    June’s figure confirms a moderation in the pace at which the unemployment rate had fallen until April. This can be attributed to a slowdown in the rate of growth of the economy: while in January-April the unemployment registered a reduction of -1.1 p.p. over the same period last year, in May-June, this reduction was only -0.5 p.p.. Nevertheless, the figure for June is positive, with an occupation rate (demand) growing faster than the participation rate (supply); finally the employment creation was primarily of formal workers.





    María Claudia Llanes BBVA Research - Senior Economist

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    Spanish - July 31, 2014

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