Colombia | A growing credit portfolio is a thriving economy
Published on Friday, April 26, 2024
Colombia | A growing credit portfolio is a thriving economy
Credit expansion has consolidated several months of timid growth and decreases, explained by supply and demand factors. Strengthening the payment capacity of households and companies, in a scenario of accelerating economic activity, will be key to reactivate the demand for credit.
Key points
- Key points:
- As of February, the expansion of the loan portfolio continues to be very modest in the housing segment (0.8% real annual rate) and negative in the consumer and commercial segments (-5.1% and -10.6% real annual rate, respectively).
- Credit is an important tool for leveraging economic activity, allowing individuals to finance their education, purchase housing, among other things, and companies to increase their installed capacity.
- Geography Tags
- Global
- Latin America
- Colombia
- Topic Tags
- Banks
Andres Felipe Medina Grass
BBVA Research