Argentina | Real-time consumption monitoring (Sep 1, 2021)
Published on Wednesday, September 1, 2021
Big Data techniques used
Argentina | Real-time consumption monitoring (Sep 1, 2021)
Card spending is in positive ground in the last weeks of August, but without a clear trend. Spending on services continues to recover better than spending on goods, but both remain below pre-pandemic levels.
Key points
- Key points:
- In the August measures, consumption grew at an average of 1% YoY. Spending on services continues to recover better than spending on goods.
- Leading and essential items show signs of weakness, while those linked to recreation, leisure and non-essential goods remain erratic and only gain momentum for specific events.
- Fuel expenditures allow us to assign high probabilities of a further rebound in activity during July, but still below pre-COVID-19 measurements. The poor performance of the economy is reflected in supermarket consumption that barely reaches the pre-pandemic level.
- After the coronavirus shock, the shares in the consumption basket have stabilized again and show some new habits.
- Geography Tags
- Argentina
- Topic Tags
- Consumption
Mario Iparraguirre
BBVA Research - Senior Economist
Juan Manuel Manías
BBVA Research - Principal Economist