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    Published on Saturday, October 10, 2020

    Big Data techniques used

    Argentina | Real-time consumption monitoring (Oct 9, 2020)


    Card consumption remained flat over the last week. Expenses associated with outings, sports and fuel continue their upward trend since their collapse in March. The most negatively affected categories show a slight reduction in their falls.

    Key points

    • Key points:
    • In September, consumption with cards increased more in the categories related to mobility and to the changes in habits installed with the lockdown.
    • Consumption kept stable throughout the last week, in real terms.
    • The INDEC released the official index of construction (ISAC) for August 2020, which recorded a fall of 1% over July (s.a.) and a decline of 17.7%, behavior that had been captured by our consumption indicator in real time.
    • Consumption associated with outings, sports and fuel have been slowly tracing an upward path since its collapse in March. On the other hand, the most neglected items such as Accommodation, Entertainment and Travel seem to have found a floor from which they began to marginally cut their falls.




    Mario Iparraguirre BBVA Research - Senior Economist
    Juan Manuel Manías BBVA Research - Principal Economist

    Documents and files

    Presentation (PDF)


    Spanish - October 10, 2020

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