Argentina | Real-time consumption monitoring (Nov 9, 2020)
Published on Monday, November 9, 2020
Big Data techniques used
Argentina | Real-time consumption monitoring (Nov 9, 2020)
After the significant drop recorded in the previous measurement, consumption with cards recovered the levels of the first half of October. Most of the main categories improved their performance.
Key points
- Key points:
- In real terms, the level of card consumption before the beginning of the pandemic was recovered, although with fluctuations and substantial changes in its composition.
- Despite the different rates of recovery, most of the main categories improved their behaviour in the last measurement.
- Official data confirm the predictive power of our real-time consumption indicator with respect to construction activity.
- Despite its continuous improvement in Bar and restaurant spending, Argentina continues to lag behind the BBVA Group's sample.
- Geography Tags
- Argentina
- Topic Tags
- Consumption
Mario Iparraguirre
BBVA Research - Senior Economist
Juan Manuel Manías
BBVA Research - Principal Economist