Argentina | Real Estate and Construction Outlook 2022
Published on Thursday, September 8, 2022
Argentina | Real Estate and Construction Outlook 2022
After the COVID-19 crisis, construction rebounded and drove the economic recovery, but this dynamism was not replicated in the real estate market. The macroeconomic context makes access to housing more difficult. Due to the new demands, the office market faces new challenges.
Key points
- Key points:
- Construction in Argentina experienced a great rebound after the collapse due to the COVID-19 crisis, driving the economic recovery, although it still fails to match the levels recorded in 2018 before the start of the recessionary phase.
- The housing market has been improving during 2022 underpinned by declining dollar prices and macroeconomic imbalances that make properties a haven of value.
- Flexible index-linked mortgages are losing ground and attractiveness, while traditional loans are only affordable for a few families.
- The profitability of rental housing remains low despite a partial recovery.
- New needs and work patterns challenge the office market to establish new strategies for its spaces.
- Geography Tags
- Argentina
- Topic Tags
- Real Estate
Mario Iparraguirre
BBVA Research - Senior Economist