Argentina | BBVA Research Big Data Consumption Indicator (Nov 11, 2021)
Published on Thursday, November 11, 2021
Big Data techniques used
Argentina | BBVA Research Big Data Consumption Indicator (Nov 11, 2021)
The dynamics of total consumption with BBVA cards still shows no signs of a definitive take-off, even though the last measurement was able to detect the Cyber Week effect. On this occasion, we present a new leading indicator on the performance of total private registered employment and its main sectors.
Key points
- Key points:
- Between the end of October and the beginning of November, the average growth of total consumption with cards was -0.3% YoY, with spending on goods declining and spending on services increasing.
- The Cyber Week effect was captured in its first days, placing it 60% above the pre-pandemic record, but with a lower impact than the same event a year earlier.
- The new indicator of the evolution of customers whose employers deposit their salaries in BBVA provides forward-looking information and a closer approach to the evolution of total private registered employment and its main sectors.
- The official Manufacturing and Construction data for September 2021 confirm the behavior anticipated by our real-time consumption indicator, with industrial production stabilizing above pre-pandemic levels and construction showing signs of weakening.
- Geography Tags
- Argentina
- Topic Tags
- Consumption
Mario Iparraguirre
BBVA Research - Senior Economist
Juan Manuel Manías
BBVA Research - Principal Economist